Where happily ever after begins

2020 – What A Year It Has Been – Already!

Weddings have been fundamentally different in 2020 than ever before. COVID-19 changed the way we think about what a wedding ceremony must look like. As distressing as it may have been for many couples to have to postpone their weddings, or completely change the format, venue, and guest list, we’ve discovered something about ourselves in the process.

Nothing can stop two people in love from joining together and celebrating their union. The ceremony may look different than imagined. The guests may all be participating virtually via Zoom, and the wedding officiant and couple may even be wearing masks.

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But the love remains.

The celebration begins.

And we find that what really matters – the commitment of two people in love – transcends everything.

While I sincerely hope 2021 proves to be kinder to the world than 2020 has been, I know that love remains the world’s strongest asset, and we will persevere no matter what.

Blessings to you all.

Keith Carson Weddings
603 E Fort King Street – Ocala, FL 34471
(352) 541-1332

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